• < 1 min read

Is this the end of the UKCA marking?

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What’s happening?

Following the adoption of new regulations at the end of May 2024 we now have formal confirmation that organisations will be able to continue (indefinitely) to use the EU’s CE (European Conformity) marking on certain goods placed on the market in Great Britain rather than needing a UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking.  

The Regulations do not apply to medical devices, construction products, marine equipment, rail products, cableways, transportable pressure equipment and unmanned aircraft systems as sector-specific arrangements apply to those goods. You can read more here.

Why is this important?

This change means UK organisations will have the flexibility to use either the UKCA or to use (or continue to use) CE marking to sell products in Great Britain.

What should you do?

Organisations placing goods on the market in the UK should consider whether they still wish to adopt the UKCA marking or if they will continue with the CE marking – which may be easier than trying to comply with two regimes if the organisation sells into both the UK and the EU. 

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